Nathan Sambul



Nathan Sambul provides strategic marketing and communication services, with expertise in market strategy and research, advertising, public relations, and consumer behavior. He is a mentor and investor in start-up operations in the U.S., France, and Israel. He also sits on the board of directors of OWIT Global, a leader in advanced insurance software, and Medicapp Connect, which works to improve the collection and management of data for the medical profession in France. 

During his career, he was head of marketing for:

  • Marsh, the world’s leading insurance broker (a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan).

  • Merrill Lynch, U.S. Private Client Group. And …

  • Crum & Forster, a property and casualty insurance carrier.

He holds a Doctor of Business Administration degree from the International School of Management (Paris), where he completed his dissertation on successful female entrepreneurs who obtained seed funding. 

He is the author of Top Trader's Guide to Technical Analysis (Dearborn Financial Publishing) and was the editor in chief of The Handbook of Private Television (McGraw-Hill). He has won 23 industry awards, including the “Golden Quill” from the IABC and a “Cindy” from the Association of Visual Communicators.


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