John Rusk and Nadav Schnall are Co-Founders of ProSentry, the all-in-one wireless monitoring platform that provides insights and instant notifications for residential and commercial properties for everything from water and gas leaks to mechanical malfunctions and environmental monitoring. In this interview, John and Nadav share the challenges they faced in fundraising with their niche business, benefiting from NYA partnerships, and how they made adjustments through the fundraising process to gain investors - including those who had previously declined.

How did you first meet New York Angels?

John Rusk: We were first introduced by Steve Temares, who then connected me with Tom Hirschfeld. I still remember our first call vividly. I was in Mexico City for a conference, sitting in an Airbnb where I couldn’t get the lights to turn on. As the sun set, I had this amazing conversation with Tom and Steve in near darkness.

What were you looking for in investors when you were fundraising, and why did you choose to work with New York Angels?

Nadav Schnall: We were seeking guidance and insight in areas where we lacked experience. I frequently consult with Tom, who is our preferred Board Member, on everything from cap tables to larger strategic decisions about how our company should be structured. During due diligence, we worked closely with both Tom and Michael Costa, and even in that stage – where it was not always clear if we were or would be on the same team yet – they were incredibly helpful. Their advice and support made it an easy decision to move forward with New York Angels.

What was the overall fundraising process like for you beyond New York Angels?

John Rusk: It was challenging because we are a very specific business – risk mitigation as a service. A lot of young screeners at investment firms didn’t fully grasp the risks involved in New York buildings or the value of what we offer. New York Angels, however, understood it almost instantly because they lived in New York and had firsthand experience with water leaks in buildings. Their experience and maturity were evident, and they became enthusiastic quickly.

What have you enjoyed most about working with New York Angels?

Nadav Schnall: The investors themselves have been incredibly supportive. Beyond Tom, we’ve had other NYA Members reach out with advice, even recommending people who could help John and me as founders on a personal level. Additionally, we've benefited from partnerships New York Angels has, such as Withum for accounting and Insperity for PEO services. Their network has been invaluable.

What advice would you give other founders who are looking to fundraise?

John Rusk: Listen carefully. When we started fundraising, our business model was slightly different.  We received a lot of feedback in the early days, especially that our initial concept wasn’t scalable. We took that advice seriously, made adjustments, and kept refining our approach. Steve Temares initially declined to fund us through another angel group, but after making the changes he suggested, he eventually introduced us to New York Angels.

Also, finding the right investors is key. Some fundraising groups simply won’t be the right fit, so don’t waste time with them. Do your research to find investors who understand your space and your stage of growth.

What advice would you give other early-stage investors who are looking to invest in companies?

Nadav Schnall: Of course, you need to understand and believe in the product, but it is just as important to have a strong team. The founders are crucial. You need to trust them and believe they have what it takes to execute. One advantage of New York Angels is their in-person and online pitches, which allow them to interact directly with founders. Once you’ve fact-checked and are convinced about the product, the next step is ensuring the team can deliver.


What has driven ProSentry’s success?

John Rusk: I can’t pick just one, so I’ll share a few:

1)   ProSentry has been laser-focused on making a solution that was adoptable by buildings. We have remained focused on our clients since we launched.

2)   We have ensured that our platform provides a strong ROI by reducing risk and loss. Insurance companies are reducing premiums for buildings with our system, both the main building policy and the tenant policies. Our clients see the clear financial benefit of implementing our platform.

3)   Another key factor is our partnership. Nadav and I trust each other, have a long history, and clearly define our roles. That dynamic has helped us tremendously.

4)   Lastly, we’ve been fortunate to assemble a great board, including members from New York Angels, who have given us invaluable advice. Their rigorous due diligence process felt more like a Series A round than an angel round, but it pushed us to get things in order early on, which has helped as we scale.

Nadav Schnall:

5)   Our deep understanding of the market also has been a major asset. ProSentry has unique insights into our niche, which gives us an advantage.

6)   Finally, our team deserves a lot of credit. We have incredibly talented and dedicated people who put in the work every day, including weekends, embodying the “startup spirit”. 


What is something interesting about you that has contributed to your success?

John Rusk: I really love to fix things. I love my old cars.  My other business is a renovation company I’ve run for 39 years. I love to take things that need work and make them shine.  With ProSentry, taking water leaks that destroy so much property and finding a robust way to fix the widespread issue of water leaks in buildings, is at my very core.


Nadav Schnall: I love technology.  Everything technology excites me.  I love solving day-to-day issues with technology. ProSentry is the perfect combination of those passions: using technology to address a problem that John and I continue to deal with.


What motivates you?

John Rusk: Making good on the promise we made to investors. Also, knowing the impact of our work – last year, we caught 3,610 leaks in New York City and New Jersey, preventing every single one from turning into an insurance claim. That motivates us.

Nadav Schnall: The desire to succeed. I am a bit of a perfectionist by nature, and I get a lot of motivation from being successful. Waking up every morning and addressing what we promised to our clients and our investors and identifying our next goal – both short- and long-term – keeps us going every day.


